Monday, 13 November 2017

Unmitigated disaster!

From today have neighbours in 11138, a couple upgraded from the deck 5.It was too good to last. Good-bye the carefree enjoyment of the balcony,now have 2 lots of neighbours not to offend the next four weeks and a bit.Ajajajajaj.
Yesterday had a super day.In the morning watched on TV a film Bastille Day,the most enjoyable,fast moving, well acted 92 minutes to date.Short and sweet, that is how I like my films to be, not 3 hour marathons. At lunch in the self-service restaurant had the best chicken to date,pieces on a massive baking tray,baked in the oven in their own juices with just a bit of spice,utterly scrumptious.And when the evening came, the ship's band, musicians from probably Ukraine,maybe with a sprinkling of Russians,certainly all Russian native speakers,played for an hour jazzy tunes, my type of music,my type of an evening, no hoola-hoola skirts,singing or dancing was needed.All musicians, especially the band leader, looked so very young, just children still,yet all very,very talented,very accomplished. It is absolutely wonderful that these young people from the old communist block now have the opportunity to expand their horizons,spread their wings and see the world. So all in all not only was yesterday utter perfection, the day before yesterday had the bestest cake ever.DIVINE does not do it justice.Blueberry roulade, and I had an extra helping.Really,I could have happily had 2,even 3 more of these heavenly concoctions, but one has to be sensible and know when to say yay and when to say nay.

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