Saturday, 25 November 2017

The Court of the Holy Inquisition

I always say that the reason I prefer dining at a table just to myself, is,because I hate the Spanish Inquisition.I could not not visit The Inquisition Palace in Cartagena.Even now the torture chambers on show are quite menacing.It must have been horrifying for the "heretics" to wait for death to come only because they did not believe in Jesus Christ.Muslims were persecuted,but mainly Jews,the last non-believer was executed in 1826.The Pope Sixtus 1V was the instigator and the Spanish Queen Isabella and her husband Ferdinand the founders of this blot on the Spanish history. One monumental historic site,The Fort of San Felipe de Barajas, I did not go to see today,as I wanted to give my foot the chance to completely recover,knowing that I would be visiting Cartagena in January 2019 with plenty of time then to visit what I had no time for today.One has to be sensible and know when to say yay and when to say nay.

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