Friday, 10 November 2017

I have seen many things on ships, but never a walking office.

There I was strolling happily,feeling on he top of the world, well, the top of the ship,this morning at 7, minding my own business,when suddenly a dark suit with a bag under left arm had overtaken me,turned at the next corner and disappeared from sight. A bigwig rushing to a meeting, thought I,and gave it no further heed, until several minutes later I hear behind me-good morning.It was the suit.Quite startled I was lost for words,but quickly gathered my thoughts and wished him good morning, too. So the morning's apparition was a cruiser like myself. And talking about apparitions.Walking to the Waterfront restaurant at 8.30 last night I passed a couple sitting at a coffee table, the man resplendent in a dark jacket,lighter coloured trousers,white shirt,bow tie.On his head a trilby and wearing sandals without socks.Do we have a fancy ball tonight,I asked myself.When later I came to learn it was a formal evening,and I come to it in consequential fashion,I was so impressed by this eccentric old boy sticking up his 2 fingers to convention. As did I, in an unintentional way.Completely forgot to look at the appropriate page of the daily newspaper how to dress for the evening,so put on white knee-length shorts, red oversized silk shirt coming almost to the turn-ups of the shorts,red suede loafers,matching bag,silver jewellery,feeling wonderful.In the atrium there were some people in glad rags,but as I could see some new strange decorations, thought a wedding would be taking place later,have seen quite a few of those on ships over the years.But slowly there appeared more and more shiny tops and black ties and I new it could only be a formal evening.Well, soon the theatre performance was starting,Mr opera man and joke teller on stage for the last time and I was not going to miss that, formal night or not. Mr Morgan Lee James said his wife had asked him if he would still love her,if he won the lottery.I would always love you. And miss you,he told her.

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