Friday, 28 April 2017

Reading novels on my Kindle made me think I was ga-ga.

Now [ like many others ] I'm back in love with my wine - stained books - writes the Daily Mail columnist Mr Tom Utley. Mr Utley and I are kindred spirits.Except that I only attempted to read my Kindle once and took it to the local charity shop the next day and have never been out of love with my pristine books. My dear friend's son cannot understand why she buys her weekly magazines when she can easily read them on line for free.So I sat him down and explained the exquisite joy of anticipation,of bringing them home, of settling down to a cup of tea and a cake or a biscuit,of first listing through the magazine front to back[ or back to front in my case!],while deciding what will be the first page to read,placing mentally in order the beauty pages,the fashion pages, the helpful hints pages, the recipes,the articles about well known or not so well known people,the travel pages... Several days later my friend hands the magazines to her daughter and she again passes them on to her friends.As do I. I buy monthly magazines only,they are very expensive and never would I throw one out,however old.I always stick it behind the railings at the front of the house with a little note - please take.And several hours later it is gone.Sometimes I attach to the magazine a face cream or cosmetics or a nail polish explaining why I do not want to use it.I disposed this way of many items after my husband passed away.I used very expensive creams to keep the skin on his legs moist and it would have been criminal to discard them. I cannot imagine reading newspapers online,either.In rain and in snow I would go out just to buy the Daily Mail, my favourite.Every Saturday it is The Mail and The Telegraph,every Sunday the Mail and the Times.At the week-end the supplements are the best part of any newspaper. My mother loved reading and all of us six brothers and sisters have inherited her love of the written word. Of course Kindle has its place,especially on holiday.And many people find it invaluable.But Mr Utley does not,nor do I.

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