Saturday, 29 April 2017

I do not recall ever having this feeling of malaise,

of fatigue and in general no desire to move,as I have had the past two weeks at least.I did not exercise on Britannia.I kept on putting it off until I knew it was not going to happen.And it was the first for me, because if there is one thing I look forward to on any ship,it us the gym.At home I walk.On a cruise I work out. In Lisbon I picked up some medication.Copenhagen does not have any pharmacies by the port,Lisbon has them aplenty.Small, but perfectly formed,full of unexpected little treasures, I could have browsed for hours,but as I was coughing non-stop,I think everywhere they were only too pleased to see the back of me!I walked in at least three just to pick the pharmacists' brains,but I needn't have worried.The staff are well trained and knowledgeable.And in every pharmacy there is someone who speaks good English.In London I bought another bottle of the sickly stuff from my trusty local Boots and hoping for the best have persevered.But the energy just would not come back and for two weeks I have lost the will to walk!I have not watched as much TV in a year as in the past 14 days.I have seen it all.The Real Housewives being my favourite.Mostly I watch them with the sound off,because hearing the women I would ask myself - are they for real? I am aware it is all watchable television. Everything is blown out of all proportions,that is what people want to see. Still. With the sound turned off I can see the most beautiful scenery of America,Canada and Australia without having it spoilt by the women's bitchiness,petty jealousies and envy.

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