Friday, 29 March 2019

As I write am sitting on he floor in the corridor just outside my stateroom

taking part in a safety drill in case we are attacked by pirates.
"Between Sunday,31 March at 8.30 pm and Tuesday,2 April at 11.00 pm,Queen Victoria will be transiting  The Indian Ocean,including  an  area  well documented in the world's media for piracy."
So the ship has put in place a security plan - closed curtains  in the cabin when the light is on,just  common sense on the travellers' part. Returning to the cabin  and sitting in the corridor "in the event of pirate activity."
I am on the 8th floor, below me several floors down I can see 8 balconies  jutting out.If the ship command thinks I would be idly sitting in the corridor if pirates are trying to get onto the ship through these balconies, they are greatly mistaken.All heavy furniture  I can lift will fly down on the pirates and boiling water,too.But I am sure it will not come to this  as the ship has measures to protect us all.
What they are,they are keeping to themselves.Probably jets of water, ear-drum busting whistle and very likely guns,too.  After all many airlines have  an armed  marshal on board if a plane  carries  300 passengers and crew, whereas a ship the size of Queen Victoria when full has just over 2000 passengers plus about 1000 crew,so they must carry guns to protect us all.

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