Tuesday, 20 March 2018

I first visited Gibraltar many moons ago on one of my many honeymoons

my one husband had taken me on. We did not have a honeymoon when we got married so when we had settled into a married life my husband would say now and then-let's go on a honeymoon. The first one was in Rome,the second in Istanbul,or was it the other way round,it was all so very long time ago. Each and every one wonderful,each and every one with some very special memories. In Gibraltar we stayed at the then exclusive Rock hotel,where at the time of our visit John Dankworth [the musician] and Cleo Laine [the singer], had stayed.I knew instantly who they were,she of the most distinctive hair and I also loved their music.Not only had they stayed at the hotel the time we did,they also flew back to London on our flight and like my husband and I they were selected for a thorough search at the airport.When the four of us were singled out we all looked at each other,smiled,shrugged shoulders and resigned ourselves to the search. Why they? Probably the exotic way the lovely Cleo looked had a lot to do with it. Why my husband and I? My husband used to walk everywhere. He never took any transport if he could walk.And walk we did.We used our feet to get to know the whole of Gibraltar.I remember the water being on our right, the mainland on the left, after a good mile we came to an unmanned soldier's post,we continued and came to the end of the road with a massive opening into the rock ahead of us.Inside was a hive of activity,small cars,big cars,heavy machinery.We walked about enthralled, and when we got totally and completely lost I walked up to a nice man and asked for the way out.He looked at us in amazement wanting to know who were were. I explained. How did you get here,he exclaimed.I explained.There was no-one at the gate,he asked with incredulity.No,no-one.I knew in my youthful innocence-my husband always said laughing that for a "little girl from the sticks I always learnt fast"- that the matter of us getting lost in this strangest of strange places was getting to be curioser and curioser.Please come with me,said the man and we walked to a kind of shed-like structure with a window.The man went inside while we stood patiently outside.I could hear a phone call being made and two soldiers in a kind of mini-moke drove towards us.They indicated we should get onto the seats behind and we did and were driven to another shed only a much bigger one. Many more questions followed,many more answers were given.My camera was confiscated,I was told the film would be developed and the camera and photographs returned to me. We were then driven out into the daylight and continued the sightseeing.When we returned to the hotel I knew instantly our luggage had been gone through, nothing was as I left it.I am immaculately clean and tidy,know where and how I leave every single item wherever I am.The camera and the photos were left at the reception the next day.I had no doubt whatsoever we were searched at the airport with a tooth comb because of the incident. We had inadvertently strolled into a British military base and because I am from Slovakia, then a communist country, we were regarded with suspicion, and quite rightly so. But once they had developed the film they could only see a small monkey,a bigger monkey, a monkey bigger still.

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