Saturday, 17 March 2018

16 March 2018,Cartagena

Cartagena is a naval base in the Murcia region of Spain This was my first visit to the city.Having absolutely loved the Cartagena of Colombia,I could not wait to discover this Spanish naval port. On paper it was all there - the city was founded around 220 B.C.,one could see the remains of The Punic Wall [The Muralla Punica],which dates to the 3rd century B.C.,but it is just a wall and I have seen many walls just as old before,The Casa de la Fortuna with its mosaics and murals is beautiful,but I have seen casas much more beautiful.There is the Roman Theatre built in the 1st century B.C.,but once you have sat through a performance under the bluest of the blue skies in the warmest of the warm evenings in the Roman Theatre of Caesarea,Israel,built by Herod and painstakingly restored and brought to life,any other Roman theatre pales into insignificance. I have seen most Cartagena has to offer to a stranger and it has left me cold. Maybe it was the weather.It was very indifferent to me when I was in Cartagena and I had reciprocated.

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