Saturday, 22 October 2016

Five questions. 22/10/2016

You are encouraged to send to a prospective suitor five questions,there is a long list to chose from.And,of course, you get them,too.And I have had them. I have had them.In my profile I do not use the word SPORT voluntarily.It is there only if the dating site slips it in.I do not watch sport.I do not play sport.It is nothing to be proud of, I am the first to admit. I can't cycle, I can't swim.I can't even float. I sank in the Dead sea.In the Dead sea. Water thick with salt, an elephant would float. I sank. But here they are,a suitor after suitor asking me what kind of sport I prefer and five different sub clauses are offered for choice. Now, I am a patient woman. I am more than aware of my own shortcomings and imperfections. But what man worth his salt would question me on sport when not once do I mention it in my countless replies in my profile.My interest in it is zero, zilch, nada. So what idiot would ask me if I am a team player or a solitary wolf. Ignacio did. Yes,that is his name.Do I prefer running, tennis, volleyball or chess? Is chess sport? To me it is a mental activity and I wouldn't play with you, you ignoramus. I used to reply graciously,with humour,but now I add a remark or two and thankfully I never hear from the sender again. I am a teetotaller.I used to be a die-hard teetotaller until I started cruising. When on a ship on formal nights I would have the odd Sex on the beach [ the cocktail!......Sex? I wish.] or a glass of red wine having been told countless times by my GP that a glass or two of red wine two or three evenings a week is the best way to keep the heart and the arteries happy.I try to drink it. I even buy the odd bottle. Then it takes me a month to finish.But here they are asking me how I like to spend evenings - in a discotheque,in a pub or knees up and booze up with friends and what alcohol I prefer! Well, I ask you. Yes, I do answer more comprehensively now and luckily there are only ten or so words I am allowed to use.

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