Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Entertainment on the Celebrity Eclipse. 24/08/2016

In the evenings there was nothing I wanted to see and when I did force myself to go to the theatre,there were not even any "has beens" on,only "almost beens" and "never beens". Take the last night,e.g. Steve Larkins performed a salute to Freddie Mercury called Mercury Rising. It should have been Mercury turning over in his grave. If Mr Larkins could sing it would have helped. And judging by tonight's dish of the evening Chas Burnett,this is unlikely to change before we disembark on Friday. I did laugh a couple of nights ago when a comedian the name of whom I do not remember,asked, if there was someone in the audience,who took Viagra. To everyone's surprise an old boy raised his hand. The one and only. We all were in stitches. I have no doubt the rest of the men thought-I wish I had the guts to take the pill let alone admit taking it! Gareth Oliver,an entertainer-singer and ventriloquist-I liked until he brought on the stage his wife. Pretty to look at but I didn't see the purpose of her joining him. The nicest evenings of all were on 20th August in St Petersburg,when local dancers came to perform on the ship. Utterly delightful. A lesson in simplicity,beauty,professionalism. And again when we docked in Warnemunde and the local Germans came on board to play instruments and sing. It seems to be a tradition now. I remember they performed by the swimming pool in July 2012. Yesterday it was inside in the main lobby. And lovely it was,too. When the song known in England as Roll out he barrel was introduced as Czech, a woman behind me said quite indignantly-it is an old ENGLISH song. No, you ignoramus,it is not. It is an old CZECH song called SKODA LASKY. Music by Vejvoda, words by Zeman. And the original goes something like this: Love is wasted on an oaf like him,he doesn't even ask me on a date. When he is next to me he is laughing like a fool and when we walk together in the street there is a 2 meter distance between us.

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