Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Stella Australis

seems to be a lovely, sturdy little ship, ready for anything.I accidentally came across a travel program while browsing and was enchanted with her adventures around The Cape Horn and The Drake's passage,the most treacherous stretch of water on earth. Oh,my itchy feet, I would run, if I didn't have to walk and bind my time until I am totally free to spread my wings! For now, whilst my free time is limited,I love sailing into the sun. But one day, one day all my dreams will come true and I will circumnavigate the Horn and glory up the Panama Canal. And how I cannot wait to enjoy the seven night sail to New York and back again,spending at least 3 weeks there and walk, walk, walk everywhere and have the most wonderful juicy fillet stakes and the real american style on the bone schnitzels in the most pleasant restaurant facing the Rockefeller Centre. It really was love at first bite. New York was such a wonderful surprise,a revelation.For so long and so needlessly I feared going there. All that negative publicity about the dangers on the underground, the murders on the streets ...my goodness. We always fear the unknown. And so often without any rhyme or reason. One day, one super duper glorious day I will go back!

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