Thursday, 3 March 2016

03/03/2016 This morning I had a 45 minute salt cave treatment.

Salt cave is an artificial cave built from blocks of sea salt.The cave is enriched with colour therapy and fitted with relaxation music,so the whole process is not only an anti-inflammatory treatment,as the salt is rich in iodine,but it is also a stress and depression fighter.I used to be very sceptical,now I always feel at ease with the whole world when I leave there.I had a beauty treatment this afternoon,a slimming treatment to be precise.I do not believe in them, I have never had one before, no, I tell a lie,I had a body wrap two or so years ago, just before a colonoscopy,when my colon had to be as clear as a whistle for a hospital check-up, even though the hospital did send a  pack of medication to do the job.I, in my infinite wisdom, had decided to go to a well respected clinic the name of which escapes me, to help with the process and there, as a part of colon irrigation, a lovely person had wrapped me up top to bottom in something green, saying it will help get rid of everything. But here, in the spa, I felt for one crazy moment, that the time has come to treat my body with something a little bit extra. The lotions and potions smelled divine, and I am not showering until I absolutely must! I have also had a free welcome drink,I chose something alcoholic. I am teetotal,but love alcohol in chocolate and now and then even a bit of red wine or an innocuous coctail does me the world of good. The breakfast was, as always, a plentiful affair, I also have grapes and something called acidko,a fermented drink very similar to kefir,I could drink a litre a day. It is gloriously healthy and I love the taste. And on my way out of the dining room I sometimes grab a large red apple from the basket by the door,it always looks a picture of health,and invariably tastes just as good.Yesterday had lunch in a classy restaurant next to my favourite boutique - Viennese schnitzel,boiled buttered potatoes and cucumber salad,delicious. Followed by truly excellent coffee. The boutique lady owner had recommended the eaterie. Their coffee is best in tow.They serve home-made cakes  am yet to try .

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