Sunday, 20 March 2016

Money Money Money,its so funny,its a rich man's world,

I have learnt a lot about money from my husband.That the money can be and a lot of the time is, the root of all evil, People crave it,they cheat,lie, kill for it. I have also learnt that once you have earned it, you must look after it. My husband had never ever trusted any-one with our savings and years back, after the newspaper tycoon Robert Maxwell,who had squandered his employees pension on yachts,airplanes,luxury houses for his numerous children,holiday homes and high living along the way,and hundreds of people ended up after years of saving with nothing,my husband completely lost faith in any official body. He would say-if something seems too good to be true,it always is. These words have kept me in good stead and if someone offers me a pipe dream, I politely decline.
 My husband had never passed a beggar without putting his hand in the pocket and handing the poor unfortunate what he could.He never judged any-one,never asked was this person an alcoholic,a drug addict or just someone down on his luck. A down and out was to my husband a person, who at that moment needed a helping hand.The beggars remembered him and he would stop and ask after their health. A sweater would disappear,or a pair of trousers. Oh,they will come to light, Olly would say jokingly,and they did-on the old man sitting on the bench opposite Boots the chemist in Notting Hill!
 Olly, I would say,you and him shop in the same place and have identical taste in clothes.
 Yes, we both have good taste,he would laugh,but you still do not let me shop by myself,saying I come back looking like a scarecrow!

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