Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Today,Tuesday,2 April,2019,The Queen Victoria docked in Port Victoria,Mahe Island, Seychelles.

I had me a plan - walk to the centre of the town, buy postcards, get stamps at the Post office,a rare  easily reachable site  in most ports,the last time I got stamps at the Post office was on the island of Tonga.Have a cup, or two, of latte,while writing the 11 cards, then give this little town,one of the world's smallest capitals [it has  26.450 inhabitants] a quick once over and then  a taxi to the nearest beach called Beau Vallon,that is  some 3-4 km away.
It all went well until I sat down to write the cards. It started to spit, then rain, then pour.But I was in no hurry to go anywhere and yes, by the time I  had finished the sky was clear again. I decided to go to the Selwyn Selwyn - Clarke Market.I was barely inside when the first  drops came  clung clicking  on the tinned roof.  Then the heavens opened. I almost had lunch ( I ordered, but did not like the smell, made an excuse not to eat it so as not to offend the staff ), I did have freshly pressed juice, played with my mobile and decided to return to the ship the moment the sun came out.There was a couple in their 50s sitting at the table next to me having the most unpleasant verbal exchange,the relationship appeared to be at the death door.Why do people do it to each other?  Luckily I did not have to wait long for the rain to stop and for a good half an hour the sun was shining merrily. Then the heavens opened again.I  happened to be passing  by some  shops and walked inside  one called Kankan. The most beautiful necklaces, ear-rings and rings everywhere.I just could not resist getting a necklace,matching ear-rings and another set of ear-rings. The rain was relentless. The owner  said her daughter would give me a lift back to the ship.How kind. True, I did spend there a lot of money [ 6,430  RUPEES, converted into  EUR 413.21], but she did not have to do it, and I certainly did not expect it.
The daughter was gorgeous [ as was the mother ], and the moment I said I was from Slovakia, she said - Bratislava, I was there last year, beautiful city and very nice people, very kind, like at home in Seychelles. I was so surprised and so pleased. Many  idiots on the ship have never heard of Slovakia, only one American lady knew  what it was and where it was,she had engaged with me in a conversation about the country's history,etc. She even asked what  my views on the EU were and when  I said in my inimitable  way I wished we were never a member, she laughed heartily.It is the amusing way you say things, she remarked.

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