where I have had several different people since 10 January, as only about 700 out of 2000 or so are doing the full cruise.There was a delightful American couple, he about 10-15 years younger than his elegant,beautifully turned out,confident and charming wife,it was obvious he adored her,neither of them had an idea where Slovakia was,and to their credit never pretended otherwise.I never heard them boast about where they had been,what connections they have,no pretentiousness at all.They were replaced by a Chinese [or similar}pair who left their good manners at home.I was glad when a pleasant looking woman and a man were seated at the table.He knew when to talk and when to stay schtum,she chattered endlessly and was a tad too loud,but her voice was pleasing and melodious, Welsh,I thought, by birth,but didn't ask, I never ask questions.
I talk a lot,too,but hope never to the annoyance of my neighbours.To hold an animated conversation, serious or lighthearted, is one thing, to be loud is most unpleasant.
And talking about loud.There was an Australian couple in the self -service restaurant the other day,both beautifully turned out and well groomed.
She:If you meet someone, do not let me stop you, do not think about me,have a nice time.
He said nothing.
She:Like this neither of us is having a good time.
He:I didn't want to come, you insisted.You didn't want to travel alone.
She: You could have said no.
He: How many times you phoned me, ten at least.
She:You should have said no.
I really felt sorry for them.I know how hard it can be to be alone.Yet hell can be other people.
I finished my meal as quickly as I could and left.
Mr Jackson and his wife are delightful and it is going to be a pleasant ride to Southampton.
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