Thursday, 25 April 2019

In Las Palmas yesterday the UK immigration officers boarded the ship,

to carry out on board face to face passport  control.
This morning without any waiting whatsoever I sailed through it, and I even had the time to joke with the very handsome officer- please make sure it IS me, after 3 years on this cruise I am not so sure myself if I am who I say I am!
He burst out laughing and was still laughing as he was seeing people who followed me.And that is the way to do it,in a pleasant, civilised way.Thank you, UK.
We have three days to go before the Queen Victoria docks in Southampton.
We are sailing through the North Atlantic Ocean, humorously referred to as "The Pond".[My lovely god-son Adamko on his first holiday in Croatia called the Med a big swimming pool.]
The Atlantic Ocean occupies roughly 106,400,000 sq km.The deepest point is the Puerto Rico Trench at a depth of 8,605 metres.

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