Sunday, 27 January 2019

Today,27 January 2019,we are transitting the Panama Canal.

France began work  on the canal in 1881,but there were engineering problems  and high mortality due to disease,so the work was not completed.This was done by the US,who re-started the work in 1904 and 10 years later the canal was officially opened.
The canal is 48 miles long  and connects the Atlantic ocean and the Pacific ocean via  the Caribbean sea,enabling the ships to avoid the tricky Cape Horn, thus shorten the route  by more than half.
The Panamian government has been managing and operating  the canal since 1999.
At 14.25 I am going to have my photo taken by a ship's photographer on my balcony.Being photographed is for me worse than  having a root canal,so this is another momentous occasion I experience today! I am of the firm opinion,that unless a photo makes you look 10 years younger and 10 kg lighter, it has no business to be hoisted upon the world.And that is no easy task.

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