Tuesday, 15 January 2019

And talking about short, dumpy and drab.

This morning in the gym a short but certainly not dumpy or drab  Filipino woman gave on a treadmill a masterclass how to attract a man.Preening,swaying, throwing her arms about the way a gay man dances when on a prowl,her side glances checking out who is watching.I was.Transfixed.In awe of this performance worthy of an Oscar.
Last night the woman and a man were standing in the lobby.He leaning on a stick, ugly, badly groomed, badly dressed.She almost pretty, heavily made - up,skirt slit almost to the waist on both sides, cleavage almost to the waist baring her almost flat chest.Not a glance between them, not a smile.Then without a word the man walked towards the lifts.Without a word the woman followed.It must be a very lonely world they had retreated to.

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