Friday, 2 September 2016

The "vacation effect". 02/09/2016

A study of 94 healthy women aged between 30 and 60 by Harvard Medical School and the University of California, found,that a 6-day holiday break triggers genetic changes which boost the immune system,dampen stress and lower levels of proteins linked to dementia and depression. The "vacation effect" can last for a month. I could have told them that. I get itchy feet every month knowing a lovely cruise does me the world of good! Am hoping to go again in October but will not book anything until I get back from my visit to my brother, who is celebrating a milestone birthday on 10th September My brother never ever goes to any family gatherings, be it weddings, christenings, or birthday celebrations. He does not visit anyone [even though he is the kindest and most attentive host and his wife is a fabulous cook], and a trip to the nearest town from his small village is a torture for him. So when several months ago he announced himself at my sister's door,she almost fainted. He came to personally invite her to a birthday party and to ask what she would prefer - a suckling pig ,a goose or a duck. My sister in a state of shock said the pig would be lovely,thanks ever so. The pig it is going to be,said my brother. Earlier today I had purchased an airline ticket for Thursday the 8th,the whole of Friday will be spent picking up more presents and wrapping them up not only for my brother,but also for his wife, daughter and two grand-sons he adores. The daughter is divorced and lives with the parents for the time being. Am rather disappointed have left it too late to book a Christmas cruise to the Canaries on the Queen Victoria. There are only cabins without a balcony left and that is not for me. There are two things guaranteed to make my cruise a success - my own balcony and a table just to myself at meal-times. Last year the Christmas and the New Year on the Oceana were absolutely wonderful,but I wanted to alternate with the Q V. Maybe not being able to book a cruise on the Q V is a blessing in disguise. It is wonderful my destiny is not set in stone, it must have something super duper for me in store for December and January.

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