Sunday, 25 September 2016

Never complain,never explain and never ask questions. 25/09/2016

Is my motto. Good seven years ago now a new boy came to work in Ottolenghi, my favourite delicatessen in Noting Hill.The moment he spoke I knew he was from my homeland. I behaved towards him the way I had always behaved towards all other members of the staff. A month or so later a new boy came to work in the deli. I smiled, said good morning and made my order. The original boy said to the newcomer - be nice to this lady,she is one of our favourite customers,she is lovely, always smiles, says please and thank you. And for her age she is sexy. She is very chic,added the new boy. It took mammoth effort on my part not to let on that I understood and had to bite into my lips to prevent me from bursting out laughing.  The boys stayed for the summer months only,then they returned home to continue their University studies, so I was told by a co-worker. I hope the deli is as wonderful a place for the employees as it is for the customers. Once after I made my selection totalling well over £30, I realized I left my purse at home. No problem,said the lovely assistant,pay us when you come in the next time. And so I did. Now that is trust. My friends and family said it was because I give out trustworthiness, people feel I will not let them down. Now why am I reminiscing? When my husband was alive we used to have coffee there regularly. He would drink anything but I love my coffee hot and strong so would ask for extra two shots in my latte. The staff came and went but they all were told about the likes of the "regulars" so whenever my husband and I came in we were asked - the usual? And the usual it was. One of the servers was an Australian girl, a fair dincum type my husband took to instantly. It turned out she was from Sydney,Leucart ,where my husband as a young man, worked for four years. At the end of her two year work visa she returned home. This afternoon outside in the street I heard someone say to me - is it still extra hot with two shots? It was the lovely Ozzie,this time with a husband and about 5 year old boy. We both instantly recognized each other. She asked about Olly and was genuinely touched when I said he had passed away . Oh, the memories. And this is why I have been remembering Ottolenghi where the most wonderful cakes are served by the loveliest of people.

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