Tuesday, 12 July 2016

12/07/2016, Good morning, my lovely little Toshiba.

I love it when you say to me every morning-GOOD MORNING LUDKA and every evening GOOD EVENING LUDKA. What a nice touch. Not surprising the inventors of this magical contraption are billionaires. Am so busy from the moment the builders next door wake me up to the moment I switch off the TV. On feet all day long bar the few moments I sit down with a cup of coffee and a bite to eat to check out what is happening in the internet world. The past month or so I have been on Facebook. Yes,me,a total ignoramus in the matters of the cyber world. Have had a lot of people who want to be my FRIENDS. Why on earth would any-one want to be a friend with a total stranger? Well, it may have some merits,but for now am keeping the friendship to 3 family members only. There were four of them,but I have accidentally erased one. So this Thursday evening my visitors will be sleeping in the beds I am busy preparing. Have washed all bed-linen in a child friendly washing powder. All guests will have the softest of the softest white towels all washed again to ensure the little ones are not allergic to the usual liquid I use. And have received the tickets for my sister and her husband. They should have arrived together with every-one else's Oh,the Post Office,do not let me down, please. Not this time. But all is well that ends well. Today is a big cleaning day. Am going to put in order the outside of the house, sweep the leaves and everything including the garden wall will be washed. This is my routine every time I go away. And the squirrels have returned. Baby was feeding yesterday just as I went to add more food into the bowl. I didn't disturb the little wiggly tail,I let it have its fill,then the goodies went in - bananas, boiled egg,bird seed smothered in olive oil.

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