Saturday, 25 June 2016

25/06/2016, Aftermath.

Having had a full day to consider the enormity of the decision the British public have made,for the first time in a long time I am so very,very proud to be British. Long,long time ago every time I set a foot on the British soil I said-THANK GOD FOR ENGLAND. Then over the years I watched with sadness how slowly the GREAT was disappearing into the darkness until Mr Blair and his governments closed the coffin. Human life had come to mean so very little under his watch. Even though the trough was always full for the politicians, the ordinary public did not matter. Mr Cameron gave hope. Nice, decent, a wonderful family man. But for a Prime Minister to be a great statesman he must have two things - a vision for his country and faith in his people. Mr Cameron, the man I like so very much as a human being,has neither. In the post war Britain,in the post war Europe, no-one can equal Maggie. She loved this country,she wanted the best for this country. She knew strong,prosperous Britain will make her people happy and generous. Jealousy and resentment forced her to go. Nothing men followed and they made this once GREAT Great Britain nothing of a country. Europe as a unity has become unworkable. It is utterly heart-breaking to see a boat after boat of the dispossessed fleeing the wars crossing the treacherous waters and landing on the shores of Europe. These people have to be looked after in sickness and in health,housed,fed, clothed,educated. Where are they supposed to go,to what country, when every country has more than enough problems with their own unfortunates? This is what Mr Cameron and the other leaders of the EU have failed to understand. They do not have to live next to the refugees who bring with them so many problems,politicians do not send their children to overcrowded classes,they do not have to wait for 6 hours to be seen in a hospital emergency room. I have a great regard for Mrs Merkel,no-one at the moment can touch her as a politician.  I hope she will accept the decision of the British people,show the world she bears no grudge,will not retaliate. The British people deserve and must be treated with respect.

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