Friday, 3 June 2016

03/06/2016, Have done it, my goodness, I have certainly done it!

What have I done, you may ask. I have connected my chromebook to the ship's internet! Wish I had thought of it at the start of the cruise,my life would have been so much easier,as the ship's computers,new and easy to navigate as they are, will not magically overcome GOOGLE's security worries. The precious expensive minutes wasted doing one security check up after another and having successfully navigated through the minefield, I am directed back to the beginning, yes,back to the very start of the process! I am not proficient enough in the matters of the internet usage to know how to avoid the rigmarole. One day I will learn. Until then I am happy I can at least be able to do the basic things so that I can enjoy sitting with my lovely little Toshiba.

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