Friday, 19 December 2014

Are the Englishmen born with their socks on?

If there is a sight to behold, it is the sock clad feet of an Englishman.There is nothing quite like it.One day someone may write a book about the horrors of the wiggling toes. It is enough to send a chill up my spine when I recall what I see when the socks come off. The callouses,the hard skin on the heels,the toe-nails that had not seen the scissors for months. Don't the Englishmen know what pedicure is?  Very rarely do I see on an Englishman shiny, polished shoes. I would not let my husband out of the house unless he could see his face in the reflection of his shoes. It was not always so,but he had learnt and the time came when he took pride in the way he looked. And he looked good.I was proud of him. He was proud of me. That is the way it was. I always say never judge a sausage by the skin. But it is impossible not to judge a man by his clothes.If a man takes pride in the way he looks, he feels so much better about himself, is more confident. It is Friday 19 December 2014.And I am on the Queen Victoria, sitting at a desk by the window in the library,we are sailing to Madeira.12 nights of bliss. Christmas on Canary Islands. To this cruise I will yet return. All I will say for now is,that the start was inconspicuous - I was sea-sick,the second time ever. But I got me a small table just for 2,they are much sought after and rarely available. Everyone wants them, there are only few to be allocated. But I got one, nothing can spoil this holiday now. The enjoyment of lovely food in my own company is all I ask for. I love food. The success of any cruise I take is measured by the quality of the food on board.

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