Thursday, 23 August 2018

"A WALKER is a gay man who escorts women to social occasions...

Sometimes these women are divorcees or widows,other times are  "society widows"-with husbands too busy or unwilling to attend  functions."
Cunard provides  DANCING PARTNERS   for women who want to dance and have no-one to dance with.
On FIRST DATES, a  British TV programme,there was a  94 year old millionaire  who was also  engaged by Cunard to work as a dancer.On First Dates  he was introduced to a lovely 70 something lady whom he considered  too slow for him!
The Queen Victoria has an absolutely beautiful dance hall called appropriately The Queens room.On some cruises I used to go and sit on the upper level and listen when jazz was being played. Tonight a big band gave a concert so I went to listen to them.A couple twirling,she in a beautiful long gown, he in a waistcoat.When the music stopped and he escorted the lady to her seat it was obvious he was an employee.Paid to dance. And I think it is a wonderful idea.
And then two men took to the floor.Argentinian tango resounded.The older bold man threw his leg about,then wrapped it around his partners thigh.It was not a pretty sight.
There has been talk lately about   the Strictly Dancing  bringing  in couples of the same sex to dance together. Nooooooooooo!

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