Friday, 14 July 2017

My Toshiba chromebook has given up the ghost,

it has departed into the cyberspace.Why has this tragedy befallen upon me,I have asked myself a thousand times.Have I not shown her enough love?Have I not polished every inch of her,keeping her in the pristine condition she so richly deserves?Have I not carried her close to my heart?I have treasured her as a dear friend she has become and now she deserts me in my greatest hour of need,I was born with the infinite patience gene,in fact patience could be my middle name.but waiting for the biopsy appointment the past weeks has been hard,the weeks have gone at a snail's pace.Knowing the heartbreaking Grenfell fire where 80 people had perished had played havoc with any local hospital's appointments [and mine is a local hospital]as the needs of the survivors must be a priority,I had looked for a cruise to kind of take my mind off the "good" cancer I am carrying.Scandinavia and Russia would have been my first choice had the cruise been shorter than the 14 nights Celebrity Eclipse is offering,but under the circumstances I had settled for the Queen Mary Norwegian Fjords 13-21 July.On 12 July I had received a letter from the hospital - my biopsy appointment had been scheduled for July 21st ,10.10 in the morning.The ship docks in Southampton at 6 am,disembarkation begins just before 7.30,a taxi to the train,train to London, tube to the hospital.With the suitcase.Will luck be on my side?Will I make the appointment?

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