Saturday, 26 November 2016

Flamingos lure a mate with 136 dance moves. 26/11/2016

Preening, marching,wing saluting and 17 elegant transitions between these poses.Now I know why I haven't found any-one to mate with me.I don't have the moves! Oh,no, there was a moment I had my flash of inspiration when cruising on Oceana last Christmas.New Years Day.The ship's own Headliners Theatre company performed Breakdown Blues.At the end of the performance some dancers came down from the podium and one of them,a handsome blond devil with snake hips headed straight for me,lifted me off my seat and yes,my two left feet never touched the ground! My fancy footwork was akin to an Immelmann turn-I looped,I rolled,I swirled,I swooned,I tiptoed, I heeled,throwing myself to a sweet abandon. Have you seen the two step- sisters to Lilly James' Cinderella move their feet in unison standing by the window waiting to try on the glass slipper? Stroke of genius.And so was my dancing. 136 dance moves? That January evening the flamingos had nothing on me!

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