Saturday, 5 November 2016


We kept geese every year,sometimes ducks, too, always chickens and rabbits.The hatchlings arrived in spring.I would sit with them in a small enclosure,cradling the little yellow fluffy balls in my arms, talking to them,singing lullabies.I do not remember ever strangling one accidentally,so I probably did't,my mother would have been quick to meet out her kind of justice - a smack or two on the bottom.As soon as the geese were big enough,I would usher them along a narrow path running by the side of the river to a clearing just by the village cemetery about five minutes from the house, where the geese would feed for several hours on the soft green grass until my mother shouted it was time to come home. Emily would also bring her little charges as would some other children.I had to make sure the geese had water to drink and never strayed into the shallow river safe to walk in barefoot, but too dangerous for the tiny birds.By September they were big enough to toddle about by themselves and I was ready and eager to start school.From the very first day I loved school and could not understand why would any-one cry and ask for their mummy to take them home,when the classroom was full of wonder.Enormous drawings on the walls - I later found out they were maps,a large blackboard, a picture of our president, as the teacher pointed out the very first day.My very own new pen,a pencil,a notebook!And all those books full of words I could not yet understand but full of promise of something incredible. And a satchel to put it all in. Wasn't it just wonderful,I was going to school! Early September days were still warm and the door to the classroom was left open.About an hour after I sat for the very first time behind a desk,there was a sound of geese calling and suddenly the mother goose with seven of her babies behind her marched into the classroom and headed straight towards me.Are they yours,asked the teacher trying hard not to laugh.Yes.They can't come here, you know.This is for children, not for animals.But they are good, they don't bite. But are too noisy and we need quiet to study.Can you,please,take them home.You do not have to come back,the class will be finishing soon.I collected all my possessions and walked out with the mother goose behind me and the goslings following in a single file behind,cackling happily.

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