Monday, 23 July 2018

"Doctors told to honour "human value" of patients with dementia."

The Mail,20 June 2018.If only Labour took the  "human" value of patients  with dementia into account  when they introduced The Court of Protection.The way The Court operated when I had  to deal with them was the most disgraceful,utterly despicable way a human being  can be mistreated.There has been a lot of justified bad publicity in recent years about this Court and I do hope things have changed but I do not hold my breath.If the old layabouts who go to The House Of Lords to eat,sleep and be merry and even after just signing their name  walk out with almost £400 attendance  fee,and we pay for the privilege,could they not at least do something for the ill and vulnerable and bring pressure on the Government  to overhaul this blot on the legal horizon.
And isn't it heartbreakingly sad that  the  doctors have to be TOLD to treat the  patients with dementia in  a decent way.

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