Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Jesse Simon Gordon

who also calls himself William Baekeland and claims to be an English aristocrat,heir to a billion £ fortune, is a Walter Mitty character, who had fooled the sharpest minds three times his age. The master criminal in the making, when he was  22  he claimed he had studied in North Korea,[ NORTH KOREA,this should have rang the bells!], Switzerland, Monaco,visited 154 countries, piloted planes, trains, automobiles, all this by the age of 22, 22, for cry now loud! And the wealthy travellers from all over the world believed every single word of his and handed him what comes to half a million £ to organize extreme travel tours for them.That they will never see a penny of their money they have come to terms with.That they allowed this baby-faced conman to rip them off is embarrassment they will be digesting and living down for a long time yet. How could they have been so gullible? But then some people have more money than sense.

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