Friday, 27 April 2018

Are you on holiday,

asked the young very pretty girl, full of smiles and speaking the most excellent English. Yes,I smiled back. Are you alone,she continued. Now, I do not like the Spanish inquisition.I do not like people asking me questions.I am happiest when I am left at peace,that is why I sit alone when I dine,I never share a table. But there are moments when I know curiosity is harmless and good natured,not the sticking nose into other people's affairs kind.And this was one of those times.So I engaged in conversation with this delightful young woman. Yes, I am alone. Why? Don't you have a husband? I did, but he passed away. I am sorry,when? Eight years ago. Eight years ago? It is a very long time.Why don't you find yourself a new husband? Nobody wants me. I do not believe it.You are  very nice,you smile,women come here and do not smile,and often they do not say thank you.I have an uncle,he owns this shop and many other shops and two hotels, my aunt died five years ago and my uncle is alone, he works all the time.I think you would like each other.He is also very handsome. My goodness,there must be so many women on this island who would want him,I burst out laughing. Yes, but he does not want them.But I think he would like you.Can you meet him? This was going from funny to sublimely ridiculous.I am on a ship and the ship is leaving at 5.30,I said. Oh,no,my uncle is  visiting my grandma and will be back in the evening.

She stood there,thinking.Are you coming to Madeira again? Yes. Please,please come also to the shop. I will,thank you.And I left.

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