Sunday, 14 January 2018

What is it about Marks and Spencer jeans?

We were talking about you at dinner,said the smiling half of the couple who had caught up with me when I left the Britannia Club restaurant one evening.It is the way you dress, the jeans,said the lady. You are interested in my jeans,I asked incredulously,turning to the husband.
Oh, he thinks you rock the jeans,retorted the woman! He winked with a twinkle in his eyes. Sir,you have good taste,thank you.It was lighthearted,pleasant and not at all surprising.In the daily flyer we are reminded on all Cunard ships not to wear blue or torn jeans after 6 pm and should we chose to do so, we are instructed to dine in the self-service restaurant only and not to enter public rooms so as not to offend the other travellers. I bought a pair of jeans in Marks and Spencer about 6 years ago,they were on sale and cost £7.The palest of blue and 3/4 in length.I had them on every cruise.And when they lost the shape I found another pair, similar, but slightly darker, again in Marks and Spencer,again on sale, costing £11.On the Christmas cruise they were my evening staple [I had 3 dresses for 3 formal evenings] and I alternated them with 2 other pairs of jeans,but the light blue are my favourite worn with red suede loafers or high heels or lace up boots and a matching bag,silk shirts and costume jewellery. Many heads had not seen the inside of a barber shop for months,pretty dresses worn with sandals suitable for the beach and many women did not carry a handbag.Some people pick their teeth at the table,some slurp,some do not know how to hold a knife and a fork.Yet they seem fit to criticise my jeans. When I went to the restaurant for lunch the first day, Eduardo,the maitre d',looked me up and down and I could see the puzzlement on his face,there was I in blue jeans, brown lace up boots,matching cross body bag,oversized shirt,a pile of magazines under my arm.His look said it all. This is Britannia club,madam.Yes,I know. May I please have a table for one.Would this table be suitable,asked he and I was seated at a small table that was to be my table for the duration of the cruise. And then there was the formal evening when lobster was served.Yes,please, I love lobster,but do not want it served with the horrible rice it usually comes with.Horrible rice? The shock on Eduardo's face! This is the reputation you are giving my food?! Yes, Eduardo, the rice is always some strange concoction and not only on Cunard ships, on every other ship,it has this Indian spice added to it, it ruins the lovely lobster,I always ask not to have rice on the plate,but I always get it and never eat it.I said it all laughing.You will get mashed potatoes instead,said Eduardo.Lovely,thank you.And me,too,said Mr Johns at the table but one.Can we also have mashed potatoes instead of rice,added the couple next to me.What is all this,exclaimed  Eduardo with pretended shock.Mutiny,I said. We got the potatoes.Every-one cleared the plate. Eduardo would complement me every evening,you look very nice,he would say.People like you make it so easy for us.You know what you want and you know how to say it in a nice way.

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