Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Hotel Kempinski is also in a lovely position, next to The Mall Of The Emirates

and Harvey Nichols, Dubai branch of Princess Diana's favourite London store.I know the Kempinski brand well, have stayed at the Kempinski in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, several times. But if I stayed at the Kempinski in Dubai, I would be tempted to go to the Mall every day rather than seek out the world outside. And the outside world in Dubai is can see the oil money being spent, invested, by The Corporation of Dubai, owned by the Dubai government.And so it should be. Every-one must benefit from this gift from Allah. In Dubai [it is both a city and an Emirate.United Arab Emirates have 7 member states, the capital is Abu Dhabi] I had never come near even a semblance of a slum. There may be some, but I had not seen any.The streets are clean,no grafiti anywhere.The taxis are reliable,well run, no-one had tried to cheat me and charge an exorbitant amount of money. 80% of the population are foreigners,every taxi driver I had was from India.Dubai is owned and run by the Dubai government,but worked by the foreign labour.Apparently 90% of the population suffer from the lack of vitamin D and measures are being taken to rectify the situation.This has surprised me.With all year round sun,how can this be?

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